Book and Lyrics by Travis Sharp
Music and Lyrics by Haddon Kime
Wicket- A Parody Musical does for Star Wars what Wicked did for The Wizard of Oz; it’s a loving homage and cutting parody combined. Wicket spotlights one of George Lucas’ most dubious creations—the fuzzy space teddy-bear Ewoks—to explore the love/hate relationship between creators and fans while calling Lucas to task for the racism, sexism, and maybe even sizism of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Wicket- Katie Fitzpatrick
Kneesa- Danielle Sampson
Leia- Sarah Etkin
Logray- Gregory Mahoney
Ensign-Nadia Robertson
Emperor- Steve Gemma
Chirpa- Michelle Kelly
Latara- Kelley Dumont
Teebo- Mic Godin
Shodu- Andrea Kirwan
Igar- Richard Griffiths
Rodie- Zachary Alemesis